Results: 1-25    


*International migration

Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration;Research Group for European Migration Problems
Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration

via San Pellegrino Laziosi, 13 47121 Forlì , tel. 0543/374001 , fax. 051/2086319
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Holdings: 1997-2009; Issues received
Call number: 325 INTM
Local subject headings: DEWEY
Last update holding 2023

vicolo dell'Anguilla 8 25122 Brescia , tel. (030)2989469 , fax. (030)2989494
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Holdings: 1970-1983;
Lacunae: 1973;1980-1981;1983;
Call number: Per.66
Last update holding 2023

c. Italia, 55 95129 Catania , tel. 0957537580 , fax. 0957537585
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Holdings: 1963-1978;1982-1983;1985-1986;
Lacunae: 1973-1978;1982-1983;1985-1986;
Call number: M/185 r
Last update holding 2017

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Holdings: 1963-1987;
Lacunae: 1963;1980-1981;
Call number: RIV STR 1200
Last update holding 2021

Biblioteca. Società Umanitaria
v. Daverio,7 Milano , tel. (02)55187242
Holdings: 1963-1979;
Holding not updated from 1988

Largo A. Gemelli, 1 20123 Milano , tel. (02) 72342709 , fax. (02) 72342679
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Holdings: 1963-1986;
Lacunae: 1986;
Last update holding 2023

Via del Santo 35123 Padova , tel. 049-8274015/6755/7692/4079
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Holdings: 1963-2009;
Lacunae: 1963;
Call number: STAT
Notes: Dettaglio lacune n.4(1963). Solo elettronico dal 2010
Last update holding 2023

Via Cosimo Ridolfi, 10 56124 Pisa , tel. (050)2216303 , fax. (050)2210641
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Holdings: 1963-1986;
Lacunae: LAC.
Call number: ARCHIVIO 4y m 4
Last update holding 2023

Via Kennedy, 8 43125 Parma , tel. 0521032480 , fax. 0521032486
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Holdings: 1995-2002;
Lacunae: 1997;
Call number: Sala Periodici
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1999-2003;
Lacunae: 2003;
Call number: Biblioteca Socio-Pedagogica
Last update holding 2021

P.le Aldo Moro 5 - V.le Regina Elena 295 00185 Roma , tel. 0649910591-0649255353-0649255300 , fax. 0649910826
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Holdings 1: 1963-1979;1981-
Lacunae: 1963;1967;1975;1981-1986;
Notes: Causa trasloco la collezione non è momentaneamente disponibile
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 1963-1998;2000-2010;
Call number: Sede di Via Regina Elena
Notes: Consultazione possibile solo per le annate 2009 e 2010
Last update holding 2023

v. del Castro Laurenziano,9 00161 Roma , tel. 0649766220 , fax. 0649766493
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Holdings: 1969-1974;1976;1978-1991;
Lacunae: 1969-1974;1976;1978-1981;1985;1988-1991;
Call number: RI 439
Last update holding 2023

Biblioteca Ministero Affari Esteri
Piazzale della Farnesina,1 00135 Roma , tel. 0636912973
Holdings: 1963-1966;
Holdings detail: 1(1963)-2(1964);4(1966)
Lacunae: 1966;
Call number: Per. II - 107
Last update holding 2015

Biblioteca Alessandro Liberati
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 112 00147 Roma , tel. 06 99722126 , fax. 06.99722111
Holdings: 2002-2010;
Call number: Per.217
Last update holding 2017

Via Elio Chianesi, 53 00144 Roma , tel. 0652666227 , fax. 0652665639
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Holdings: 2010;
Call number: SL Arm Centrale B5 (Trastevere)
Notes: Document delivery evaso di martedì (su richieste pervenute la settimana antecedente).
Last update holding 2023

Piazza di San Marco,51 00186 Roma , tel. 06-6920781 , fax. 06-6789102
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Holdings: 1964-
Last update holding 2021

Viale Castro Pretorio, 105 00185 Roma , tel. (06) +39 06 4989373
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Holdings: 1983-1985;
Call number: AFR Est 3 d
Last update holding 2007

via Nazionale, 91 00184 Roma , tel. (06) 47922404 , fax. (06) 47922059
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Holdings: 1963-1970;1973-1987;1989-
Lacunae: 1963;1969-1970;1973-1974;1976;1980-1981;
Call number: 657-1
Notes: Molto lacunoso. Indici annuali. Nel 1992 pubblica il n. speciale "Migration and Health in the 1990s"
Last update holding 2012

Piazza Ateneo Salesiano 1 00139 Roma , tel. +39 0687290402 , fax. +39 0687290662
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Holdings: 1974-1986;1998;
Lacunae: 1974;1979-1981;1986;1998;
Call number: 39-C-1240
Last update holding 2023

Biblioteca della Facoltà di Medicina e psicologia Ernesto Valentini. Sede servizio sociale dell'Università "Sapienza"
Materiale momentaneamente non disponibile, causa trasloco.
Holdings: 1966-1971;1973-1986;
Lacunae: 1968;1973-1974;1976;1980-1981;1986;
Call number: US-Per 367
Last update holding 2019

Via Palestro,32 00185 Roma , tel. (+39)06 492724238 , fax. (+39)06 49383724
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Holdings: 1986-
Call number: IRPPS-Sala Asia/3,(1986-1995 Sala Asia/6)
Last update holding 2011

via degli Aldobrandeschi, 190 00163 Roma , tel. 0666543880 , fax. 0666543882
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Holdings: 1992;1997;
Lacunae: 1992;1997;
Call number: SERIALI 2 I
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1998-2007;
Last update holding 2016

Via Adalberto Libera, 3 38122 Trento , tel. 0461-283020 , fax. 0461 281334
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Holdings: 1983-2010;
Lacunae: 1994;2003;2004;2005;
Call number: BUC - Biblioteca Universitaria Centrale
Notes: Dettaglio lacune:32, n.3(1994);41, n.5(2003);42, n.5(2004);43, n.5(2005);
Last update holding 2018

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Holdings: 1986-2009;
Lacunae: 2009;
Call number: Sta/Per. / 172
Last update holding 2023
Results: 1-25